Friday, 22 February 2019

Dr.Samir Bhargava honoured with Rotary Vocational Excellence Award

Rotary Vocational Excellence Award 2018-19 was conferred on Dr.Samir Krishnakant Bhargava, a renowned ENT Surgeon, at the Club’s meeting held on Wednesday, 20th February, 2019.

Dr. Samir Krishnakant Bhargava is a gold medallist and first ranker in M.S. {ENT} and is a diploma holder in {D.O.R.L}.  He is currently associated with HBT Medical college and Cooper hospital as Professor and Hinduja hospital as consultant. He is President Elect of Association of Otolaryngologists of India.  His publication ‘A Short Text Book on ENT Diseases’ has been referred by over 2.5 lakh students.  He is a recipient of several awards and recognitions in his vocation as well as community service.  Dr.Samir is son of our senior member, Dr.Krishnakant Bhargava and an active Rotarian from Rotary Club of Bombay Seacoast.

Dr.Samir thanked President and members of our Club for the honour bestowed on him. Dr Samir said that almost a lakh of new born infants in India are deaf. However since certain tests are not mandatory,  by the time parents realise that their Child is hearing impaired, she/he is already 4-5 yrs old.  In 2020 when he takes over as President of Association of Otolaryngologists of India he plans to push for mandatory testing for hearing deficiencies at the time of birth.

Dr .Samir then made a presentation on “Sonoring – Not Funny, Not Hopeless” and gave us an insight into problems related to snoring.  Snoring can do a lot more harm than just annoy your partner – it can lead to poor sleep quality and quantity. Some of the people who snore loudly could be suffering from obstructive sleep apnea.  Sleep apnea is a serious condition causing a person to wake up in order to start breathing again.  Regular snoring doesn’t typically wake up a person.  Generally people in the middle or older age group tend to snore.  Percentage of male snorers is higher than females. Fatigue, mood swings, headaches are symptoms of sleep apnea.  This can lead to broken marriages, car accidents or feeling like a zombie in spite of sleeping for 7/8hrs as also serious health problems. There is no medicinal cure for sleep apnea. CPAP is a device which helps to keep airways openbut a large percentage of people are not comfortable using it.  To reduce snoring one should not sleep on the back but should sleep on the side. Weight loss, exercising and limiting consumption of alcohol and smoking should be followed. Each person would have different reason for snoring or for suffering from sleep apnea and hence there is no single solution to the problem.

The meeting ended with Rtn.G.S.R.K.Rao giving vote of thanks.

-          R/Ann Geeta Mohan Joshi


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