Rotary Club of Bombay West (RCBW) launched its second Bhavishya Yaan project at Sane Guruji Vidyamandir at Santacruz West, Mumbai - a well-managed marathi (a regional language) medium school - in association with Vidya, an NGO acclaimed for its initiatives in the field of education.
Bhavishya Yaan is an on-going project series implemented by various Rotary Clubs in India in association with Vidya at schools where the primary medium of education is the regional language. Under this project, intensive structured coaching is imparted to students from secondary section in Conversational English, Computer and Life Skills beyond their regular school hours. This
program is designed to benefit the students from the lower economic strata by
equipping them with skills required for a successful career. It believes in
equal opportunity for all students. The goal is to enroll students of
Class V & above and empower them with education and skills that are necessary for excellence in higher education and gainful employment.
The Literacy Committee of RCBW led by Past President Sukhdev Puri along with his spouse Past Inner Wheel President Urmil Puri supervises the progress made by the students under overall guidance of the Board of Directors of the Club. In addition to the curriculum drafted by Vidya, RCBW arranges motivational talks, outings and hobby workshops for the overall growth and development of the students enrolled for Bhavishya Yaan. High ranking students are also rewarded with cash prizes and scholarships by RCBW for pursuing higher education.
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