Thursday, 22 May 2014

Report of Club Assembly : 21/05/2014

CLUB ASSEMBLY : 21-05-2014

President Krishna Kejriwal welcomed Asst.Governor Designate Rtn.Dr.Raju Sahetya , Group Co-ordinator Designate Rtn.Ms.Rajul Gandhi and the members of our Club.  He then invited President Elect (PE) Mohan Joshi to conduct the proceedings of his first Club Assembly for Rotary Year 2014-15.

PE Mohan Joshi started the meeting with some information on District Thrust areas for 2014-15. He made special mention about some new initiatives of the District:

·         ABCDE           Abilities and Challenges of the Differently Abled and Elderly
·         ACHE             Acting Continuously for Hunger Eradication
·         Service 14    In specified 14 Weeks, all the Clubs in Dist 3140 will do similar projects to create better impact about Rotary activities in the society. 

PE Mohan mentioned that we must integrate and collaborate projects with various avenues of service so that our projects can add greater value to the community. He added that the Board will further work in consolidating projects broadly in the following categories:

·         100% Literacy by 2017
·         Enhancing Access to Healthcare to Urban Poor

PE Mohan then invited Secretary Elect Sandeep Vasani to present proposed projects under Community Service I on behalf of Rtn.Hemant Joshi, Director Elect.  Rtn.Sandeep outlined the focus areas viz. eLearning, setting up a centre for senior citizens and adoption of an old age home.  Elaborating on the eLearning Project, Rtn.Sandeep informed that the Club had identified two vendors who supply hardware and software with school curriculum which will be a useful tool for better learning especially for the under-privileged children in urban and rural areas who are not fortunate enough to study in private well-managed schools.
The next presentation was by Rtn.Hiralal Suthar, Chairman – Rural Projects on behalf of Rtn.Gautam Chande, Director – Community Service III.  Rtn.Suthar informed the members that the rural service projects for 2014-15 would revolve around the Rotary Goal of 100% Literacy by 2017.  With this objective, the Community Service III team would carry out projects at rural / tribal schools in Palghar & Dahanu Talukas in Dist.Thane aimed at improving infrastructure, e-Learning, child development and career guidance/support.

Rtn.Arjun Hardasani, Director – Community Service II presented the plans of his avenue of service which manages our Medical Centre, TB & HIV Counselling Centre and arranges on-site and off-site medical camps for the community.  These and other health related projects for the community will be comprise of the umbrella project of the Club viz. Enhancing Access to Health Care to Urban Poor.

Rtn.Samapti Patel, Director – Women Empowerment & Save Girl Child made slick presentation on some projects with far reaching benefits.  Our Club will participate in and support the RI Pilot Project on Maternal Mortality in Jawahar Tal in Maharashtra.  The project involves regular check-up of pregnant women, supplemental nutrition, providing medicines, teenage pregnancy, sex education, marriage counselling – right age for marriage, etc.  The project is supported by Organization of Pharmaceutical Producers of India.

The last presentation of the evening was made by Rtn.Anand Gupta, Director – Vocational Service.  The projects lined up for this avenue of service include career counselling, career fairs, vocational loan scholarships, a special cell to help students avail education loans from banks, propagating 4-Way Test and Value Education at schools and vocational excellence awards.  He also talked at length about his dream project – piloting management of a municipal school by a private well managed school / trust under the ‘public-private partnership programme’ of Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai (MCGM).

President then requested PP Rtn.Rajendra Ruia to introduce Rtn.Dr.Raju Sahetya, Asst.Governor Designate.  Obstetrician and Gynaecologist by profession, Dr.Sahetya is a Charter Member of Rotary Club of Bombay Airport since 1988 and has held several key positions in his Club as well as District 3140.  President then invited him to offer his comments and suggestions on the presentations made by PE Mohan Joshi and his team.

AG Designate began his address with generous praise for our Club which is into its Diamond Jubilee Year for engaging in community service projects across all avenues of service.  He also appreciated the plans laid out before him by PE Mohan Joshi and his team for the year 2014-15 which included some impressive new ideas and at the same time continuing with the traditional and permanent projects of the Club to serve the communities.  Dr.Sahetya particularly mentioned about our Club projects like Vocational Loan Scholarship which was well-known in the Rotary world and has over a period of time helped students to achieve their career goals.  The proposed project of maternal mortality, e-Learning and management of municipal school under public-private partnership program of MCGM also fascinated him as these would go a long way in helping the communities and fulfil the rotary goals. Lastly, he urged PE Mohan Joshi to set a high target for TRF contributions and also ensure our Club continues to be 100% PHF and EREY Club.

The Club Assembly ended with a hearty vote of thanks by Vice President Rtn.Shirish Rege.  He specially thanked AG Designate Dr.Raju Sahetya and Group Coordinator Designate Rtn.Ms.Rajul Gandhi for their gracious presence and their valuable feedback and suggestions for the ensuing rotary year.

Rtn.Aslam Merchant


  1. Awesome Aslam, this is a new beginning in cyber space for RCBW
    Look forward to a lot of blogging!

  2. Thanks Usha.. On 4th June, at our regular club meeting, I will be leading the discussion on eCommunicaton@Rotary - What Next? Please do attend. Your inputs will be quite valuable.
