On 21st December, 2016, Rtn.Aslam
Merchant, President, ROTARY CLUB OF BOMBAY WEST proudly to presented Rotary
Vocational Excellence Award 2016-17 to Dr.Radhakrishnan Pillai for his
outstanding achievements as Management Speaker, Trainer, Author and Consultant.
Dr.Pillai’s research work on Chanakya’s
Arthashastra which earned him Doctorate in Arthashashtra. His books on the subject and his understanding
about how the eternal principles of management that have for over 2400 years
studied and practiced by kings has benefited the present generation and the
corporate world. This has globally
highlighted the rich culture, heritage and treasures of our country and its
relevance in present times.
Dr.Pillai’s initiative of creating
future leaders for India through a free course on Arthashastra by his Chanakya
Institute of Public Leadership in partnership with University of Mumbai’s
Department of Philosophy which aims to initiate a model of good governance for
India, his strategy training programmes for Indian Army, Navy and Air Force,
several public and private sector organizations, IITs,IIMs, Institute of
Science (IISc) and NGOs and his over 200 articles and papers for various
newspapers, journals and magazines have been his means of giving back to the
society the knowledge and wisdom he acquired from his over 25 years of
learning, research and teaching experience.
He has truly displayed an exceptional
commitment and high achievement in his profession which has not only resulted
in advancement of the vocation but has also positively impacted our nation.
In his response, Dr.Radhakrishnan
Pillai thanked the Club for the honour bestowed on him. He said every award that he receives acts as
a boost to continue the work he has taken up, particularly educating the youth
about the rich culture and heritage of India.
Later, President Rtn.Aslam Merchant along with other dignitaries on the dais released his latest book Chanakya in Daily Life to a resounding
applause by the audience.